A Year in the Life of a Czech Plush Monkey.
Master Index to What Opice Did When
Quick Categories


As appointed to...
     ...Monkey. Fine estabishments frequented by his
      apeness. Sort of a business directory, kinda.

Entertainment & Leisure
     Diversions, recreation, relaxation... Monkey's main
     occupation and calling.

FOOD (glorious food)!
     Monkey always asks for, "More please."
     (Sometimes he forgets the please part.)

Friends/Family/Famous names-dropped
     Name-dropping? Our Opice? U-bet! He also has
     family and friends who get mentioned.

     Opice celebrates 'em all. Don't you?

House & Garden
     Things happening around Monkey's home. Sometimes
     he helps. Mostly he doesn't.

Misc. Mischief
     Things that don't fit easily in other categories, except
     they're usually mischievious, of course.

     Monkey wants to go, too. And he needs to go now!
     "Are we there yet?" Words to live by.

     It's not Opice's fault. Things just happen when he's
     around. He was only trying to help.

     The height of improbability [a short list].

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