Czech Plush Monkey's Adventures!
Monkey sees and HEARS stuff.





Opice's Ophicial Ophir Oratory side-1
Monkey hears a band.

Monkey was climbing the tent poles and swinging from the rigging (which was odd because that's what monkeys are 'spozed-ta do and you know he doesn't do anything he's 'spozed-ta) when a new band marched in to take the stage. They not only took the stage, they took the aisle. They were huge. They wore costumes. They had fun hats. They played good and they played LOUD and...

They had escaped from Prison!

Ophir Prison Band discovered!

Opice had discovered the

Ophir Prison Marching Kazoo Band! (and Temperance Society)

He could hear and see these were his kinda guys--sober* and social and silly and soused.

Click foto for their salute to Monkey.

*sober is Ophir slang for: SO I think I'll have another BEeR.

Their drummer has a plumber with a helper and the plumber is the Bum Major and to lead the band someone has to wind him up at the hat. Then, after the band marches past, comes a rubber chicken, Frank.

Monkey declares, "If a chicken can be in the band, then I can be, too. They need me!"

Their drummer had a plumber.
"But first I have to choose a companion." Opice isn't sure why, but he's seen many people at the jubilee wearing Band Companion Badges so that must be the thing to get.
What the heck?!

It's a tough choice. He likes Captain Jimmy's multi-colored dreadlocks, "But he's making Muff do all the music. That's not fair; so I'm gonna pick on Muff to Companion."


Muff is surprised he's suddenly got a monkey at his back.

What'd I do to deserve this?

Pikcing a favorite bandmember victim.


No time to argue,
the show must go on.

The band swings into another (beer) tune and Opice decides it's his job to play 2nd seat sax.

"As you can see, my Companion blows as he plays the high notes and I play the low notes. I'm help to Muff a lot."

Truth be told the guys in the band are the best of sports. They let Monkey do anything he wants to. He's found perfect friends.

Opice speculates, "I think it's because of all the beer songs they drink."

Opice plays 2nd sax.
Lady's & Gentlemen, MONKEY!

Captain Jimmy salutes Monkey at the end of the set. Can you believe it people? That was the first time Monkey's had sax. Wasn't he great!? I think we've got a new first chair!

Everyone in the audience applauded. Everyone in the band did too except Muff who felt upstaged.

Well, duh. Look at where Opice is sitting. Hello!?

After finishing the set there's a backstage party. Monkey joins in and tells the saxophonists that he's picked his favorite. As you can see Jimmy is thrilled that Opice chose Muff. And Muff is happy he has a(nother) beer.

But not for long. Look closely and you'll see Monkey may seem to be coveting Jimmy's hair, but his paw is actually clasping Muff's beer cup. After the musicians eyes cleared from the flash foto, they discovered someone had drunk all of Muff's beer--backwash and all!

(Click here to hear the Ophir story as told by Rufus T. Bodet. It's a long one and takes 250k to tell.)

Jimmy's thrilled Monkey chose Muff.

This concludes SIDE-1.
To enjoy SIDE-2 please turn your monitor over and right-click PLAY.

Or don't be silly and just click the hyperlink below.
How many beers have you had this morning, anyway?

There's More Ophir Here!

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