Czech Plush Monkey's Adventures!

Monkey sees and does stuff,
like attending concerts.

24 March 2007

Was a night of great tunes for the paleomusicologist
in Opice.

Lucy's Bones name
Lucy's Bones logo

Lucy's Bones is an all-original, non-anthropological rock & roll quartet. They are Monkey's favorite paleontological band at Little Prague Bohemian Restaurant.

Opice says, "I think of the band's name as a metaphorical homage to the longevity and social ramifications that all forms of music have on our current culture and on cultures throughout the ages. And then I ROCK ON regardless!"

Lucy's Bones FAQs
(Frequently unAsked Questions):

Monkey: Why the name 'Lucy's Bones'?
Lucy's Bones: Why not?

M: How many paleontologists are in the band?
L: None
M: Why?
L: Because they're smart.

M: What are your fans called?
L: Brilliant!
M: Someone told me when you were playing they
       heard 'Boners'?
L: That's when we're hot, otherwise 'Boneheads.'

Lucy's Bones, the hominids
Meet the Australopithecus afarensises (in stratigraphic order)

Rob "rubustus" Campbell, bass & vocals
Alan "erectus" Spilkin, guitar, harmonica & vocals
Lou "habilis" Zam, drums
Robert Scott Whitaker "esquire," guitar & vocals

Here are fotos from Opice's (nearly) exclusive Lucy's Bones concert.
They are arranged in no particular order, unless Monkey is in the shot; then it's first rate.
Basist / Apist

Robert Scott Whitaker plans on using this shot on the cover of his solo CD, "In Absinthe," when it's released. But that's a secret cuz no one in the band knows he's going to do it--not even he.

The picture below is also from Robert Scott Whitaker's CD.
It represents the title cut, Absinthe #9, and is
taken from the musician's point of view.
Absinthe #9

Bassist & Apeist

Rob learned early on it is much safer to turn one's back to the audience than to Opice,
which in this case were one in the same.

This important sign tells Czechs "No Zmoking!"

No Czech smoking
It never worked in the Czech Rep., so it was made
a gift "To the People's Republic of Davis".
Keep eye on the Monkey
There's a whole in this drum!

This otherwise perfect drum
was damaged somehow.

"There's a hole in front," Opice
points out the obvious. "But I
can fix it for Lou."

Monkey muffles the sound.

Lou Zam's
the man
the fan.

Opice fills in as
the drum's
"mute" or "hat."
This is easy for
him. He also
knows how to
"wah-wah" a
trumpet because
he has a perfectly
shaped body part
for the task.

The band takes a break so Monkey can sit in.
       Opice "drummer" Monkey

As indicated above, Monkey is a
certified wah-wah adjuster. Here we
see him fine-tuning Alan's (see below)
guitar wah-wah-peddle settings.
It's a delicate operation requiring
a light touch and a heavy heal.

Fair and balanced spelling:
Alain, Alaine, Alan, Alane, Alayn, Alayne, Alen, Alin, Allain, Allaine Allan, Allane, Allayn, Allayne, Allen, Allin, Allon, Allyn, Allyne, Aln, Alon, Alyn, Alyne, Aallaayynnee, ..., Zzyzx.

Adjusting the drums wa-wa peddle.
As usual Opice falls in love
with a new toy.

Guitar lust.
As usual Opice won't give his
new toy back to its owner.

My guitar!
Alan busts a move (small)

This is the band leader
busting a move (small).

'Nuff said 'bout him.
Let's move on.

HOMEpage button

Here's Robert Scott Whitaker again. Monkey looks forward to Robert Scott Whitaker's solo CD.

This shot was taken early in the concert. Opice is pretty sure Robert Scott Whitaker was playing "Absinthe #4" at this point.

Small RSW
BONUS FEATURE: Monkey's Lucy's Bones U-tube pages.
These are large files that will be slow to download and begin playing.
Please be patient. (Oh, and they will will look just like the junk you see on "myspace.")
Xciting video to "Old Oak Tree"  file size = 230k LIVE! @ Little Prague
Xciting video to "65 Driver"  file size = 243k LIVE! @ Little Prague