Czech Plush Monkey's Adventures!
Monkey sees and does stuff.
New visitor? Monkey's name is Opice (pronounced OH-pits-ay) which is Czech for monkey.
Monkey as product placement.

This is part of an on-going story.

To fully catch-up, web visitors will want to review how Monkey got connected and then what Monkey got connected before/during/or after reading this chapter of:

Monkey's Connections

This website thanks SureWest Broadband for unstated reasons at this time. In the future we will thank SureWest for something we can't talk about. Check back to make sure that we don't say anything about SureWest we shouldn't.  Meanwhile, here's your viewer's license agreement:
Neither this nor any linked webpage is an official SureWest webpage so far as Monkey knows, including but not limited to those @
Said pages do not represent SureWest, are not part of SureWest's website(s), nor are they hosted by / transmitted via / downloadable from / or corrupting a harddrive operated by SureWest /
 its affiliates / subsidiaries / or all the rest of that legal bafflegab that makes a Microsoft license "agreement" read like plain English.
All applicable license language, legalese, gobbledygook, unintelligible officialese, Washingtonese, doubletalk, bunkum, gibberish, folderol, flummery, twaddle, clap-trap, and stultiloquence apply.

I agree to read the agreement in a font large enough to read.

I disagree to any nonsense which I must agree to in order to read an agreement in a font large enough to read.

Big Blank Screen for a big blank mind.

Previously on "Monkey's Connections" we left Opice staring into his 52" High Definition television screen awaiting HDTV signals.

We rejoin his gaze already in progress...

After many hours awaiting divine video, Monkey has an epiphany. "I need a new modem for more broadband!"

By the power of the internet, he magically has one.
(Come-on, you can suspend your disbelief.)

This is gonna be easy!

Opice figures installation will be easy-peazy.

"I swap out the 1st unit for the 2nd unit. The 2nd unit becomes the 1st unit and the 1st one becomes secondary. The new 1 becomes the new first 1 and the old 1 the new 2nd back-up 1.

This advanced math magically manifests a third modem. (2 on floor, 1 on shelf, none installed properly.)

"They're multiplying!" Opice frets as he stacks them in different arrangements because they won't sort themselves out. Soon he forgets which modem was which number: 1, 2, 3 / new, old, back.

"Which unit is first? What goes second? Who's on third? It's all becoming a bad joke."[1]

Then I switch the boxes; except, now they all look the same!

[1] And now, in keeping with Monkey's attention span, a moment completely different. Circle the correct word [of 3 choices] in the following sentence:

There are three [to too two]s in the English language.

If that's not provoking enough, learn how to pronounce ghoti!

Out with the new; in with the old -- no wait? Done digressing? Back to the problem at hand...

Monkey jams together all the parts, assuming whichever whatever however will work if he's clever (which he believes he is, always).

"Now it's a simple matter of rearranging the wiring to achieve an aesthetic cabling that should enhance the color configuration of the test pattern," he declares. "Besides, technology is smoke and mirrors like Asimov said." [Guess who loves mirrors.]

TV test pattern circa 1950 + Monkey. And then I swap out the colors with cables.
Big Blank Screen for a big blank mind.

Monkey rushes around front to see what the mirrors and modem shows him.

He stares into the 52" High Definition television screen awaiting HDTV video.

Time goes by. Suddenly the blank screen goes black!

Opice has so fouled up the fiber optic connection that photon bits were bouncing back up the glass line and flooding SureWest's basement!

Jim Gamer® gets an emergency call on his Freedom Fon (xxx-xxx-1776) and springs into action. He grabs a bit-bucket and begins bailing while dispatching his best S.W.A.T. Techs[2] to disconnect and correct Monkey's mess.
[2] S.W.A.T. = Sure West Anti-Analog Taskforce

Monkey welcomes the fiber-optic installers.
This mess is beyond us!

SureWest to the rescue!

This proves to be Monkey's bestest mess-up ever, at least from his mischievous view-point.

It takes 3 technicians 3 hours and 3 arguments to figure out what Opice did and how to undo it. But at last Monkey is watching Family Feud in High Definition tv. [The Techs confiscated the mirrors.]

Monkey crows about what the repair guys said leaving, "I heard them say I was 'a real piece of work'! ...And people think I'm lazy."

[2] S.W.A.T. = Sure West Anti-Analog Taskforce

Jim Gamer® is a registered trademark and sole intellectual property of WestNet4Sure, as are the fictitious names Jim Gamer, Inc., JimGamer-dotnet -dotcom -dotorg (& perhaps even dot-biz, but no legit company wants a dot-biz address). Copyright infringement is not intended or achievable.

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