Czech Plush Monkey's Adventures!
Welcome to Downtown Ophir, CA
This is Old Ofir

Contemporary Ophir
(back in the day)

This historic landmarker reads:

"Founded in 1849 and first known as "The Spanish Corral." Area proved so rich that Biblical name of Ophir adopted in 1850. Most populous town in Placer County in 1852 polling 500 votes. Almost totally destroyed by fire July 1853. Later became center of quartz mining in this county.

Dedicated Sept. 23, 1950."

This is New Ofir.

South Entrance

Monkey & Karel enter modern day Ophir not in search of gold, but goals.That's a 2-edged pun.

1st off, Opice set himself the goal of finding legendary Ophir Prison where band members are kept safe from public ire between gigs.

2nd on, Xchange Kid Karel's goal was for Czech Republic (or less so, America) to win World Cup Soccer 2006. That way he could proudly say, "We beat us!"

North Exit

Upon entering downtown Ophir a driver makes a left hand turn followed immediately by a hard right turn to exit, unless one enters from Auburn in which case one exits immediately either direction. This model of urban planning has been emulated around the planet virtually inexcusably.

Beyond the fence Monkey peers over lies the highly recidivist maximum inebriation insecurity incarceration facility of Ophir.

Ophir Prison is the major employer in the community, as well as the principle medical research center for the benefits of avoiding not drinking beer.

This is downtown Ofir.

This column
intentionally left
blank to make
the other column
look that much
more impressive.


Besides, no one
promised you a story
worth reading, much less
one of social redeeming
If you're not satisfied
with this journal as
presented, Karel agrees.

Back one to SIDE-2 of: Ofir Glory

Back two to SIDE-1 of: Ofir Oratory

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