Czech Plush Monkey's Adventures!
Monkey sees and does stuff.
Termite Fumigation Tent icon
Part 2: The Cover-up
"Hide & deny."
Tarping the house.
Viewer(s): Click pic for larger version.

The house was ready. Every cabinet and every drawer in it was open so the gas could get in and out. The termites would have no place to hide like under a sink or in a closet.

"No closet termites!" Monkey laughed.

All cabinets and drawers must be left open.
Burlap over the chimney and corners.

Meanwhile, Glenn was up on the roof covering all the sharp corners and edges with burlap to protect the tent "balloon." He also covered the chimney.

Opice figured it was so that if the gas flue-up it, couldn't escape.

Monkey was very impressed by the quality of everyone's burlap work. "It's like, they don't just talk gutter--they're INTO the gutter." Burlap neatly covering  gutter.


While Doug works on the roof (safely away from Monkey),
Glenn, John, and Opice start by covering the deck.

"So pull, already!" John urged impatiently at his furry assistant.

"I AM pulling. It's too heavy," Opice complained.

Glenn took over, "I'd better do that for you. Why don't you get ready to make the first clip?"

Opice got goose-bumps at the thought of being allowed to go first.

"No I didn't," he corrected the narrator. "I got plush-bumps."

Glenn pulls the slack.

Monkey did the honors by setting the first clip and everyone cheered
(in his imagination).
Glenn taught Opice the 'Tuck & Roll' technique that seals the separate tent strips together in a gas-tight bond."

Roll, tuck, and clip the  tarps.

"Glenn," Monkey asked. "Why is the tent striped and not paisley? I wanted a paisley tent."

"Go ask John."



What's he doing now?

John waits for Monkey to do his part!

(The photographer apologizes for the Xtreme brush cut.)

Monkey places the first clip.

Now what's Monkey doing?





Clips on tarps like procupine quills
The clips stick up like porcupine quills all over the deck.

One last check before sealing.

One last Czech check under the deck.

"Anyone under here? We're about to seal this section of tent and if you're not a termite you should get out now, okay? Are you out? Did you leave? Hello?"

Glenn asked Monkey about his name, "How'd I get named Glenn?"

"I don't know; but I know how I got named 'OH-pits-ah.'" He carefully pronounced the Czech name for his new buddy. "It means 'monkey' in my language."

As the two talked, something nasty slithered by.

SandBagWorms around deck.

Oh-oh, Monkey has the guilty look, again.

Monkey has that guilty look, again.

A handsome couple of guys.

"Howdy, I'm John..."

"...And I'm Monkey and we approve this message:
Join us as we go up on the roof to finish tenting the house. There'll be thrills, chills, and hopefully no spills as Valley Fumigation and I complete the cover-up.
"I'm Opice..."

"...And I'm John and that's Glenn taking Monkey rooftop."

Monkey hitches a ride to the roof.

Page 2
"Up on the roof-top, CLIP, CLIP, CLIP!"
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Box it up. Hall it out.
The Coverup Begins
House under a tent.
Untarping the house.
Part 1: Prepping Conventions
"Out, out darn stuff!"
Part 2: The Cover-up "Hide & deny."
Part 3: One big gasbag.
"Promises, Promises."
Part 4: Exposed!
"The truth gets out."