Czech Plush Monkey's Adventures!
Monkey sees and does stuff.
Termite Fumigation Tent icon
Part 1: Prepping Conventions
"Out, out darn stuff!"
Monkey in a box.

"I have to take out everything?" Monkey asked the helpful Termite Terminator.

"Everything you put in or on your body that's not still in a factory sealed can or jar. That includes food, medications, toothpaste, vitamins, lotions, and everything else, except for silverware and like that."

"Even if I know I'm not supposed to put it in my mouth?"

It was the first time anyone ever asked the Exterminator that, but he'd sized Opice up as no average customer, "Yes, especially in your case. As well as any plants, animals, pets, or children."

This last advice worried Monkey. Martin Yan gave him a Pet Wok a long time ago, and he wasn't sure if he could find where he put it.

The Fumigator gave Opice a packet of info, "This includes a check-list to help you."

Monkey felt better. He likes everything Czech, of course."




Curser below to help Monkey
find his Pet Wok.

Pet Wok in its box hiding in nook.

Boxing Day -- Not 26 December

First Monkey took the houseplants outside. "It's a good thing we don't have kids," he thought. "They're much harder to catch."

Then he began boxing-up all the food, spices, and cooking condiments in the kitchen. He took the boxes out to the garage. Fortunately, he has a refrigerator out there, because he had to empty the house's frig and freezer, too.

Then he had to tackle the pantry. Suddenly he realized the MAGNITUDE of the job ahead of him.

"Oh my gawd," he whined. "And I haven't even started on the bathrooms. This is a lot more work than I thought.

It was hard for Opice to decide which things went on the skin and which things went in the body that had to go in the garage. He worried if soap counted, "Cuz soap takes stuff off when you put it on." He decided pretty much everything needed sorting.

"I wonder if my friends can still get their remaining refill on this 1977 athlete's foot stuff? I hope so. They sure need the exercise."

Packing-up stuff under the sinks.
Who uses all these pills?   

"I never knew!" Opice declared as he filled box after box with medicines from both bathroom's cabinets. "I live with hypochondriacs!"

Way in the back of the top shelf he made a discovery:

ancient Preparation A

But it wasn't just inside plants that had to be made ready for the BigTop. Greenery had to be pulled away from the house so the tent could be anchored to the ground to form a seal. To make the seal tight, Opice had to water, water, water the ground around the house for 2 days. The water also protected the roots in the dirt from the gas which would kill them.

The harder Monkey worked to get ready, the angrier he became at the termite Queen. "Next election I'm voting with the anti-royalists!"

  Prepping the plants around the house.

Page 2
 where preparations for the convention under the big tent really get
  going, even as the termites refuse to go and dig in their heels (6 each).
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Box it up. Hall it out.
The Coverup Begins
House under a tent.
Untarping the house.
Part 1: Prepping Conventions
"Out, out darn stuff!"
Part 2: The Cover-up "Hide & deny."
Part 3: One big gasbag.
"Promises, Promises."
Part 4: Exposed!
"The truth gets out."