Termite Fumigation Tent icon
Part 1: Prepping Conventions
"Out, out darn stuff!"
Monkey in a box.
Page 2

Valley  Fumigation arrive.


Valley Fumigation arrives with the tent and the special "aroma therapy" for the termites.



Truck poison warnings.

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Many, if not all, of Monkey's usual readers will find this unbelievable: he set straight to work. Alas, his idea of work and that of the fumigating team's idea conflicted.

Monkey started unrolling the tarps while still on the truck!

Monkey sets straight to work.


Don't unroll them here!

"Stop! John yelled leaping up onto the bundles. "We don't unroll them until we get them up on the roof." He saw that his shout hurt Opice's feelings and kindly added, "But thanx for wanting to help. Why don't we make you an apprentice on our team?"

Monkey loved it. "Oh boy! I'm an apprentice tentist!"

Then John showed Opice how first they had to place sandbags around the premises which would anchor the tent and seal in the gas after covering the house with tarps.

"Those look like giant plastic worms," Opice smiled. "You know what's worse than a worm in an apple, John?"

Placing the sandbag anchors.

John: "Two worms?"

Opice: "Nope, half a worm!"

John: "I think you need to help Doug, now."

Gas hose to upstairs fan.

Doug was inside the house pulling a gas hose up the stairs while carrying a fan.

"Whatcha doin'? Can I help?" Monkey asked.

Doug explained, "The gas will be pumped thru the hose to the fan which will blow it around and spread it more evenly. This is a two hose house. We'll put one downstairs, too."

."Wow," Monkey felt proud. "We're a two-hoser."


Pulling the hose thru the window.

Opice bounced down the stairs following the hose to the window where John stood ready to feed in the next line.

"Here you are, hoser," John said with an artificial Canadian accent (eh?).

"Thanx! I'll take it from here," Opice boasted.

Monkey was already an expert at this. He pulled the hose into the living room and placed it on the Dragon Rug being careful not to put the end near a Dragon's mouth. Then he got the second fan from the truck and skillfully positioned it over the out-put end of the hose. It took some doing, but after a while he got the two highly technical pieces of equipment in perfect alignment.

But when Doug inspected the job he asked, "And what should you do with this electric cord?"

Opice pulled his tail round holding it embarrassedly, "Oops, I forgot to plug the fan in."


Checking the fan-hose connection.

Hefting the tarp bundle.

Glenn demonstrated the proper way to carry a 500 pound tent roll up onto the roof. "Get John to do it."

Hefting the tarp bundle up ladder.

Bucket full of Clips for clip bag.

Doug announced, "We're just about ready to begin the fun part. But first we each have to get our clips.

"You up for it, Monkey?"

"You bet!" Opice rushed over. "I love clips. I watch youtube all the time!"

Clipbag strapped to Monkey's back.

Doug filled the blue bag with tent clips and strapped it onto Monkey's back.

Monkey stood up; stepped forward; and fell over backwards. "I think you gave me one too many clips, Doug."

"These are tent clips and in the next chapter I will show you some of the exciting things that can be done with them on the privacy of your own home."

Monkey holds clips--intro to next chapter.

"Oh, I almost forgot to warn you.

"Kids: don't let Doug stick them on your tail or other parts."






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Box it up. Hall it out.
The Coverup Begins
House under a tent.
Untarping the house.
Part 1: Prepping Conventions
"Out, out darn stuff!"
Part 2: The Cover-up "Hide & deny."
Part 3: One big gasbag.
"Promises, Promises."
Part 4: Exposed!
"The truth gets out."