A Year in the Life of a Czech Plush Monkey.

Opice's 2004 Foto Journal for Chinese Year of the Monkey 4701

Synopsis of Significant Simian Events
week 37:
          Sep. 26 - 2 Oct.
Fixing the "Snow" damage, Monkey retreats to his garden, another problem. Now the car is sick! Get Václav to fix it.  
week 38:  3rd - 9th Helps Václav fix Monkey's car. Then bluescreens his computer (and yours) Monkey climbs inside to fix it himself.  
week 39:  10th - 16th Finds the computer's problems: 1) a lurking Y2K bug, 2) parts left over after being put back together. Honors Canadian ThansxGiving.  
week 40:  17th - 23rd Jumps to the jive at Esoteric Records by helping Denis turn his shop around (and upside down). Impliments his buisness plan: chaos.  
week 41:  24th - 30th Continues working at Esoteric Records. Finds treasure: Seth Green movie poster.  
week 42:
          Oct. 31 - 6 Nov.
Halloween game, finishes fixing Esoteric Records, gets pushed out the door. Monkey goes fish spotting.  
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